I am ecstatic to announce that my crystal healing jewelry will be accompanying Mr Twin Sister on their US coast to coast tour from the salty Atlantic to the salty Pacific and back. Salt is the title of the new album of savory songs by Mr twin Sister. In its honor I have designed a salt inspired collection of confections that will be on sale at their merchandise table. When you purchase Herb’s Jewels at a Mr Twin Sister show you will receive the discount code mtstour2018 for 50% off webstore purchases while the band is on tour for all to enjoy. Sateen Music will be accompanying Mr Twin Sister on tour. I have something special in mind for them when they play here in Brooklyn at Elsewhere. I will see you there! Oh yeah, enjoy MTS Radio and art by Andrea Estella. I love her art and own a few pieces. (She’s also the hands behind the marionette, Salt, that is on the album cover.)