OK champ, what are you made of?

OK champ, what are you made of?

I remember my elementary school health teacher asking the class, “What are we made of?” We would all answer, “millions and millions of cells!” Later I learned that cells are made of molecules of atoms. I learned that atoms are made of subatomic particles like electrons, protons, neutrons and bosons and more. I discovered many ways of looking at the material world. The more I tried to understand what it was made of, the more I realized that there is just as much “space”, maybe more, in between these particles. I found that intriguing. My scientific mind synthesized with its spiritual counterpart. Together they “thunk” this thought: “Well I have to be the ‘space’ as much as I am the particles.” Excitement! I began to meditate on this as well think it during my day. Imagine if I could exist with a consciousness as just the space side of myself? Invisibility? Is the space part my spirit…soul? I invite all to engage in thinking of yourself as the space between your atomic particles. How does that make you feel? I use this to synthesize with nature while letting the wind blow right through me! As it passes through me it takes with it all the impurities that are so easily collected. I feel healed and transformed. Let me know how this feels for you. I welcome your comments.


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